Christmas is a pretty long event around here. First we do Christmas with Will's Mom, Uncle Scott, Aunt Kelly and the kids the week before, then all the school stuff, then actual Christmas and this year my Mom and Dad are coming down later so they won't get here until next week. I have to say the tree is starting to look a little tired (and honestly I think I do too.) SO here are a ton of pictures from all things Christmas... up til now. I'll add the rest after they happen:)
Christmas at Grandma Neenie's

Denny entertaining my kids (and Avery's brief smiling moment, she had a 104 fever by the end of the night)

The kids decorated their rooms the day school ended for break

Harrison making rice krispy wreaths - we made a ton of cookies

Christmas Eve!

Santa came

Christmas morning - Avery looks a little out of it still, Harrison was up for about 2 hours (well before 6am) before we'd let him wake her up.

And after. I realized how much older my kids are getting. It took them quite a while to open. Harrison would like to take each thing out and look at it. Avery looks but LOVES boxes and really wishes she never had to open them (I had to put some back together nicely just so she could take the dolls out - hard to do with all those attachers)

Mighty Bean Case, and the new robe

Avery and her very own Ds. She is so excited to have one, now they can play together.

Harrison's Castle

Avery's Castle (after she changed into her second set of pj's for the day)

Harrison looking mighty tired - 5ish is too early even for him.

And the Lalaloopsy dolls (and Flynn Rider too)

Harrison's Lego organizer - he spent hours (literally) dividing all his pieces by shape and type. He has a lot of Legos and he is so excited now that he can find what he needs easily.

So that is Christmas for now....