Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bowl - a - rama

I can't remember the last time we went bowling. When Avery gets an idea she doesn't give up until it happens. This time it was bowling...bowling, bowling bowling. So Will and I took the kids bowling and they really had a blast. Then the following Tuesday was supposed to be Harrison's end of the school year party/field trip at the zoo. It has been like a monsoon here so the zoo was canceled and replaced by...you guessed it...bowling. And I took Avery along as well. So I am putting all the bowling pictures here together.

This is Avery's "Mary Katherine Gallager" move

Harrison's better at actually throwing the ball, Avery still bends over and rolls it.Will giving bowling tips.
Yep, I was there too!!
This isn't a great picture but I was shocked at just how tall he looks!

Harrison's school bowling.
I tried to get Avery to smile but this is what I got instead.
I thought the sea of kids in burgundy was funny...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Butterflies and Flowers

Two of Avery's favorite things! Avery and I went with her friend Alex (and my friend Kim) to the butterfly conservatory last week. The kids had so much fun!

(this is my new favorite picture of her...)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Avery went golfing today with Harrison and Will. She was so excited!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Harrison's Manatee Project

For their end of the year project, Harrison and every other first grader had to pick a specific animal and research that animal. They had a list of questions they had to answer and needed to present it to the class in any way they chose as long as they were not reading it off a paper. Harrison chose the manatee. It was a fun animal to do. Lots of fun facts to research. He decided how to present it and did all the research on the computer and in the library all by himself. I am impressed, I certainly didn't google things in first grade. My only involvement was in scanning the pictures he picked and making cookies.
I thought he did a fantastic job!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What we've been up to....

I guess I have gotten a little behind on this.So I am going to try to catch up in one extended post.

We finally got the pool put up and cleaned and filled so that is where the kids are pretty much everyday when Harrison gets home from school. I need to start buying sunscreen in vats.
We also made some ice-cream last weekend. Why? Oh I don't know, it just seemed like fun.
And rainbow pancakes. There has been a lot of discussion over the pancakes so here is a picture.
AND I think this is a cute picture. Harrison and Avery are going through a bickering phase. They love to disagree. The one exception is when they are watching a movie or when Avery is watching Harrison play his DS. Then they cuddle up just like this and are the sweetest brother and sister you have ever seen. (she wasn't feeling great, and this is her "sick" face)
And Harrison lost yet another tooth. Number 9.

And this picture is of Avery when she was sick. Whenever she doesn't feel good she insists on wearing Harrison's t-shirts. It is a non-story picture but that face is just so "Avery" I had to post it.

So what else? Not a lot. Harrison is counting down the days until summer. They are done the 21st so it is coming quick.