Saturday, February 14, 2009

Avery and the rash.

Avery has a nasty case of Fifth's disease. Which is pretty much the most ominous name for a simple virus I have ever heard. Anyway, after the sickness part of the virus which includes plain old cold symptoms you get a rash over your face and limbs. Avery is in that period now, and I don't know if it is because she has very sensitive skin or what but she sure got a good dose of it. I only really mention it because as Harrison says she looks like a "pink jaguar" and I figured it would be easier to post an explanation than have people wondering why she is all splotchy in the past weeks pictures. The warmer she is (Sea World, the park) the worse it looks. But she is fine, it will fade away and rarely bothers her.... just thought I would explain the pinkness.